Monday, 18 June 2012

Technology for the Simple Minded.

I was watching some of the Italy vs Ireland football match on my new TV earlier. I had the sound turned off, as I often do when watching football matches because I find that the trite commentary often detracts from the enjoyment rather than enhancing it. The point is, however, that having the sound off was deliberate.

So why must I have a panel in the top corner of the screen saying ‘Choose Audio.’ It’s not as though I need to be told that the sound is turned off, is it? I know it’s turned off because I can’t hear anything. As far as I can tell, this panel serves only three purposes:

1) To pointlessly hide a part of the picture.

2) To irritate me quite a lot.

3) To alert the odd unfortunate person who has suddenly become profoundly deaf that they require attention.

What sort of bozo mind designs things like this? And why can’t we have people with common sense doing it instead?

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