Thursday, 28 June 2012

Wednesday Notes.

I have nothing interesting to say tonight. It’s been one of those busy sort of days which sweep you along and leave little space for reflection or the reading of news items. Maybe just a few little notes on the shopping trip.

1) I went for an eye test today, and I have to make mention of Heidi and the nice people at Specsavers opticians in Ashbourne. Thank you for being pleasant and helpful, for putting up with my inane rambling, and for not going all nadgy on me when I said I wanted the cheapest pair of specs I could possibly get. And it seems my eyes are in good health, which was nice to hear.

2) I told the woman in the bird food shop about the curious case of Melanie and I being on seemingly parallel courses with regard to life experiences (vis-à-vis the dark shapes in the woods and the rescuing of semi-conscious greenfinches that had knocked themselves senseless against window panes.) She said it was amazing, and it was a bit like those situations when you read a word in a newspaper just as somebody is saying it on the TV. Well, maybe it is.

3) Ashbourne remains devoid of simple vanilla ice cream. It’s a nice little town, but its record on ice cream casts a long shadow in my book.

4) I saw another little girl riding roughshod over her granny in the supermarket. Granny looked flustered, and I was naturally moved to wonder whether she’d ridden roughshod over her granny when she was a little girl. Little girls are pretty amazing creatures, one way and another. They know their weapons and use them skilfully.

5) When I asked the man in the post office for three first class stamps, he tried to get me to buy a book of six as usual. He knows I always get ratty when he does that, so he hurriedly explained that he couldn’t be sure whether I was a mystery shopper or not. It’s fortunate that I’m a Monty Python fan, for I now have some sympathy for the poor, benighted man in the post office.

Excuse me, Miss?

What d’ya mean, Miss?

Oh I’m sorry, I have a cold.

*  *  *

As I said recently, heaven and hell are the same place viewed from different angles. I spoke to Mel on the phone this evening (my ex-partner previously known as Helen.) It seems her dad, a retired vicar, wants to know what her view of God is now that she’s no longer a Buddhist. You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you?

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