Friday, 15 June 2012

Mostly Right.

The egg worked (see previous post.) The leader of Argyll and Bute Council has ordered officials to lift the ban on Martha Payne’s school dinner photographs with immediate effect. It seems the international outrage was a just a bit too much for their shoulders to bear.

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The Lady B’s mama drove past me on the lane this afternoon. She slowed right down and carefully positioned her wheels either side of a line of puddles so as not to splash me. I appreciate that sort of thing. I do.

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I saw a clip of a celebrity being interviewed on a trashy TV chat show, and he made some inane remark that was apparently intended to be a joke. It was trite and utterly unfunny, but the audience rolled about in tears, presumably because he was a celebrity so whatever joke he intended must have been a good one. The smug look on the face of said celebrity indicated that he was now more convinced than ever of his value to humanity. This culture gets a bit sad sometimes.

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