Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Preferring American.

I had a long post forming in my mind this morning, all about how the quality of life in Britain has – to my mind – deteriorated significantly since the advent of the free market mentality in the 1980s.

I couldn’t be bothered. Phew.

Instead, I thought I’d just make a note regarding two things of great import to me: words and coffee.

I make mine in one of those glass jugs with a filtered plunger. In Britain, we call them cafetieres. Now, the word ‘cafetiere’ is a bit of a mouthful, right? It has four syllables. It also sounds a bit pretentious, since it isn’t merely derived from French, but an actual French word. And that’s why I’m coming to prefer the American term: ‘French press,’ or just ‘press.’

So there you are, Yankee Doodles. For once, JJ is on your side. All you have to do now is throw the Republicans into Boston harbour and I might even come and visit you one day.

(Please note, however, I didn’t say ‘come visit.’ Standards, you know.)

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