Friday, 15 June 2012

Mother's Tactics.

The Lambs up the Lane are getting quite big now, but they still appreciate the value of mother’s milk and are continuing to suckle as well as grazing. That’s if mother will allow it, of course, and sometimes she won’t. All she has to do to disallow it is to walk while the lamb is trying to settle on the teat.

I saw a lamb the other day that was none too pleased at his mother’s perambulations while he was trying to feed. Eventually he ran ahead of her, and then turned and charged, butting her hard in the chest to make her stop. She stopped, but only until the lamb was getting into position, and then she walked again. The lamb repeated the assault, giving her several butts the second time. Mother stopped again, but only until kiddo found his place, and then she walked again.

This behaviour went on and on until the ewe reached the other side of the field where her second lamb was. And then she let them both feed.

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