Saturday 29 January 2011

Small. Far Away.

There was a glorious ‘Father Ted Night’ on British Channel 4 recently (hence the post title, taken from that surreal little incident when Ted was vainly trying to explain to Dougal the difference between real cows and toy ones.)

They showed one of the acts accompanying a recent Rose of Tralee contest, which involved a woman doing Irish dancing to ‘Do You Come from the Land Down Under?’

It was real jaw-dropping stuff. Literally.


KMcCafferty said...

"OK, one last time...These are small, but the ones out there are far away. Small....far away."

Our neighbour's dog in Ballyvaughan's name was Dougal, I always wondered whether he was named after that Dougal or not.

JJ said...

Dougal's great, ain't he Kaetlyn? I sometimes sense I've got the same gormless expression, and every time I find myself thinking 'Why's that then, Ted?'

I thought it a stroke of comic genius to have all the bishops apostastizing in the final episode under Dougal's influence, and going off in camper vans to be hippies.