Tuesday 18 January 2011

A Burgeoning Bond.

Do you know what’s interesting? (To me, that is; I doubt it’ll be of any interest to anybody else. This is going to be self-indulgent.)

The last post I made before I went to bed last night. That’s what’s interesting.

I’ve said before that there seems to be two sides to me. Sometimes Mad Jeffrey comes out to play and takes centre stage. That nearly always happens in the early hours. Sometimes he’s happy mad, sometimes he’s sad mad, and sometimes he’s wise mad. Sometimes he’s just manic mad, and smooches around the room at three o’clock in the morning to the mad, mad rhythm of Susan McKeown’s Slan agus Beannacht.

The problem is that when Mad Jeffrey comes out to play, Mr Boring’nSerious doesn’t go to sleep. He stands there, sniffy but impotent, thinking ‘When I get control back tomorrow morning, this post is coming down because it will be bloody embarrassing.

And yet it rarely happens that way these days. When Mr Boring’nSerious read the post this morning, he wasn’t embarrassed at all. In fact, he decided it was a rather good post and there was no way he wanted to see it sent into oblivion.

So does this mean that a fraternal bond is growing between the two of them? It certainly seems to be a fact that MJ is coming to respect Mr B, even when the madness is most advanced. And Mr B, for his part, is coming to like MJ a lot. Seeing the growth of such a harmonious relationship is a new and excellent thing.

Lucky old me.


Wendy said...

Hmmm, I daresay you sound like you're bipolar, although I'm not saying you are. I think we all have two opposing sides, that with consciousness and grace, can not only live together but work with each other. Jung's concept was all about "holding the tension of the opposites" which I think is happening for you. Good for you! literally...

JJ said...

I’ve thought about the bi-polar thing, Wendy, but I don’t know enough about it. From what little I’ve heard, it doesn’t quite seem to fit the bill.

Fact is, I’m pretty content with how I am generally. And I do appreciate the Jungian philosophy. In fact, I think I quite like Carl Jung generally. And I like being mad sometimes.

Anthropomorphica said...

I like the sound of that, a disapproving parent finally accepting it's wayward child!

JJ said...

And the kid accepting that the parent is OK really.

Anthropomorphica said...

A harmonious relationship!