Saturday 29 January 2011

Being a Bacterial Growth.

My nemesis from Kingston upon Thames is taking the comment-by-google-search-term to new heights. The latest is:

JJ Beazley understands women like mould understands cheese.

Love it, love it. Thank you, whoever you are. My suspicion as to who it might be is foundering, because the person I had in mind doesn’t get up that early. Oh, well...


andrea kiss said...

In the US we spell mould like this: mold. Just so ya know.

And... my word verification is deflog. Just so ya know.

JJ said...

Ah, now this is a bit of an issue with me, Andrea. I once had an American editor insist on changing mould to mold in one of my mss. It wasn't big enough to argue about, so I let that one go (I've withdrawn stories over bigger matters.) I did some digging, though (get it?) and found the following:

Fowler's Modern English Usage only gives 'mould.' The OED, on the other hand, gives 'mold' as an acceptable alternative, but notes that it's an American variation.

You just don't like the letter 'u' in the USA, do you?

Maria Sondule said...

hahaha this is great. XD

JJ said...

If ever I get close to a woman again, Maria, I must remember to tell myself: 'You are merely a fungal excrescence.'