Friday 21 January 2011

Life and the Sagittarian.

I think a major part of the problem we have with life is that we seem to be faced with two options: give in to it, or give up on it. I can’t do either.

How do you give in to an iceberg? By that I mean that life only shows a small part of itself. To see any other part requires diving deep in a potentially dangerous sea. So should we keep a safe distance and take it on trust? Life is, after all, scrupulously honest; it’s the layers of cultural overlay that would have us deceived. Or should we seek to enjoy the adventure and dive, even if it carries risk, since how else can we really know life?

On the other hand, how do you give up on something that holds you with its mesmeric gaze, that punctuates your existence with pulses of energy, that promises to maintain its presence even beyond the illusion of samsara? Is it wise or just excessively cautious to give up on something you don’t fully understand?

I’m a Sagittarian, and one of the problems of being a centaur is that we seem to be programmed to a simple creed: when in doubt, take the risky option. It’s got me into a lot of trouble down the line. But Sagittarius is also a lucky sign, and I’ve got away with a lot, too. Serious potential consequences, some of them.

Tell you what; I’ll just carry on being me, shall I? But then, I really haven’t a clue who ‘me’ is.

Oh, bloody hell! I don’t want to be serious any more today. Where the hell has MJ got to?


Jeanne said...

I say, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" But then I am a Sagittarian as well.....

JJ said...

Our horse's legs just don't listen to our human brains sometimes, do they Jeanne?

Anthropomorphica said...

Dive in and don't give up! There's no time for regrets! From a sensible and cautious cappy ;)

JJ said...

A goat!

'Oh, Mr Farnon, what a lot you do know about goats.'

Never forgot that line. I love goats. Tough, but cute. Are you tough but cute, Mel?

Anthropomorphica said...

Thought my horns would've given me away ;) Those might not quite be the adjectives people use to describe me, although stubborn might be there!
By the way, who was Mr Farnon and how did he know so much about goats?

JJ said...

It was your self-confessed stubbornness that made me wonder whether you were a Taurus, Mel. And the horns are more bovine.

Tristan Farnon from the James Herriot books. Generally useless, apparently, but a surprise authority on goats.

Anthropomorphica said...

Oh bugger, they're supposed to be mountain goat!!
Of course! That Tristan!! He did seem a little on the useless side.

JJ said...

Unlike TF, Mel, I'm no authority on goats, mountain or otherwise. I stand corrected and ask your pardon.