Monday 31 January 2011

Current State11

One word:


One thought:

For the last twenty four hours I’ve been aware that the next post would be my 1,000th. I’ve been trying to think of something with sufficient humour, gravity, information, silliness, or something to do justice to the landmark.

Can I? Nope. This will have to do.

(I suppose it’s mildly interesting that Google stats [and Google alone] claims that somebody came to my blog by ‘searching’ I very much like Mr JJ Beazley, even though I call him Je. That’s nice. If only they’d left out the very much, I might have got to discover what they call me.)


Zoe said...

Jeffrey, perhaps??

ahemitwasmecoughcough. Just that one though, I wanted to show you some google search redirect lovin to combat the meaner ones you've been getting...

JJ said...

Shucks, ma'am! Is this where I do the 'Hey, liddle lady' thing? OK, how would

