Wednesday 19 January 2011

Lone is Good.

I realised today what I think is so valuable about living alone. It provides the best environment for personal evolution, unencumbered by the need to conform to a common condition.


Nuutj said...
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JJ said...

I'm not claiming this as a general rule for everybody, Mei-shan. I think it depends where you are on your own road. I spent large parts of my life living with a wife and several other live-in partners, and I think this explains part of the reason why it never worked. It crystalizes why I always felt constrained and unable to move forward at the pace that seemed right for me.

Anthropomorphica said...

I understand that thought Jeff, sometimes it's hard to figure out where you're going or indeed where you are when you have another's path thrown into the mix.

JJ said...

I suppose it helps if you're walking the same one, Mel. Are the best marriages made in suburbia?

Anthropomorphica said...

True!! I guess it depends on how you define best.

JJ said...

Harmony is to be found in convention?