Sunday 9 January 2011

Another Addendum.

And another thing. Do FBI agents really have the letters F.B.I. writ in such HUGE letters on the backs of their anoraks? Is that so they can be read from outer space or something, to persuade the aliens to invade somewhere else?

‘Better make it the other side of planet earth, guys. They do seriously BIG LETTERS in this bit.’

Sorry, dear American chums (seriously.) I think Hollywood and baby showers have conspired to warp my sense of equilibrium. I doubt they’d invade Britain, either. Our beer is too warm.


Maria Sondule said...

I don't know why FBI agents have it plastered all over them. Or Secret Service. I mean, it's supposed to be secret, right? Hence the name?

JJ said...

Maybe to convince people of how important they are. Big is power, right?