Saturday, 6 July 2013

Today So Far.

I rose indecently late this morning – must have slept, and slept, and slept some more. When that happens, I always find myself on the back foot for the rest of the day, chasing the game with a stumbling gait.

And a bracket for one of the bird feeders has disappeared. Don’t ask me how, why, or where it’s disappeared to. It’s today’s first mystery. Things are being dropped and having to be swept up. Things are being spilt and having to wiped up. Things are being forgotten. The computer is behaving like a moody teenager. In short, it appears to be one of those days.

There’s a post brewing on ‘the curse of intelligence.’ Maybe I’ll make it later; that’s if I’m still functioning later and can remember what it was going to say.

For now, stumbling on.

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