Friday, 12 July 2013

Looking Ahead.

I do believe that some of the best posts I ever wrote were those running critiques of Mists of Avalon, Dracula, and Frankenstein. I’m not easily impressed with things I write – more embarrassed, usually – but I’m a little impressed with some of those.

Maybe I should look forward to winter and that old, trusted routine:

Have dinner – wash dishes – settle in front of the fire and read some of a book – go out for a walk, well wrapped up against the cold of a winter’s night – get back, make a mug of drinking chocolate, and write a dead good post on what I read at stage 3 and mused on at stage 4. That’s not a bad way to pass the dark nights of the cold season, is it? It would all depend, of course, on finding some literature that's as famous, critically lauded, and insufferably bad as Dracula and Frankenstein - maybe not as easy as it sounds.

And then there's the fact that I dislike winter, especially the period after New Year. Most of my house gets cold in the winter, quite unpleasantly so when there’s an east wind blowing. I get extra depressed in the winter. I can’t win, can I?

I think I’ll hope for some more summer first, and maybe an Indian summer while the leaves are turning. And then we’ll see.

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