Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A Party Political Broadcast.

I never thought I’d say this, but I think I might vote Liberal Democrat at the next election. I like the way they’re raising two fingers at their Coalition allies at the moment. I also like their celebrated naiveté and propensity for the losing habit. It suggests a certain genuineness, insofar as such a notion can apply in politics.

The Tories are currently caving in to the Xenophobe Tendency with their grubby little illegal immigrant detector vans, and the Labour Party are climbing into bed with the Suburban Popular Front, so where is there to go except with the Lib Dem Nice Guys, the Greens, or the Monster Raving Loonies?

(The Tories have become so grubby and pseudo-populist under Cameron. They were always elitist and objectionable, but never grubby…)

Time will tell.

This party political broadcast was brought to you by White and McKay Special Reserve.

(Then again, Cameron did sit on plans for minimum alcohol pricing, which was always a bad idea… Mmm…)


Anthropomorphica said...

Monster Raving Loonies all the way!!! Is Screaming Lord Sutch still around?

JJ said...

No idea, Mel. The MRL seems to have been less in evidence lately.

Tell you what, though. I was a bit incensed when the Establishment increased the deposit to £500 so that poor people couldn't stand as independents. Seems the mandarins didn't want little people blowing around the system like so much unwanted litter.