Thursday, 18 July 2013

Gifts from Disparate Sources.

Mr Ford and I both received a gift today.

He got a shiny new fuel filter (and it really is shiny; the old one was black) in the hope that it will cure him of his predilection for wayward revving. He behaved perfectly on the 30-mile drive home (not counting the interruption to buy coffee, beer and chocolate biscuits from the cheap shop, about which more later,) but that doesn’t necessarily prove anything. Time will tell.

I got a tail feather from a cock pheasant (by which I don’t mean a cock pheasant gave it to me; read on.) I found it when I walked back through the little wood at the top of the lane this evening. I hadn’t seen it when I passed through the other way, but it was there, plain as a pike staff, on my return. Now, I’ve long held the nagging suspicion that errant feathers are gifts from the fey, and that was the wood where I saw the mysterious dark shape cross the path last autumn (in full daylight and a good twelve hours on from the last drop of alcohol.) And a cock pheasant’s tail feather is a splendid thing, being around 2ft long with a pattern of brown and cream bars, so now I have to think of something to take in return.

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