I’m angry. I just read the report about the Afghan woman who
was summarily executed for purportedly having an adulterous affair with a
Taliban commander. The report said nothing about the Taliban commander being
I was going to make an impassioned post about it, but
decided I had nothing to say that wasn’t obvious. It occurred to me that the
Jews had their stones, the Christians had their fires, and now the Muslims have
their AK47s – all tools of justice in God’s name, of course. Maybe the sooner
the world is washed clean of the Judaic religions, the better the world will be
for it.
Hear, Hear!
I've read many theories about how when monotheism, (mostly championed and maybe even invented by ancient Hebrews and later Judaic religions), came on the scene that that was the turning point of 'civilization' from a generally peaceful existence to wars and the stealing of 'territory' and to the imbalanced caused by taking away the Goddesses and putting women in inferior positions and roles.
I'm not AntiSemetic, which i'm sure you're aware, but just stating that this seems to be the case and the start of a downward spiral for humanity.
I've long believed that the imbalance caused by raising up men and gods and casting down women and the goddesses is one of the causes, if not the cause, of many of humanities problems. And that it could also have a lot to do with racial hatred as well. That could also have something to do with the whole superiority thing that the ancient Hebrews had about their tribes vs people not of their tribes.
And it seems that things just got worse when the Christian religions came along...
You know how i mentioned Mary Magdalene and the Cathers on my blog? In a documentary i was watching it was mentioned that the Inquisition began with prosecuting the Cathars for heresy. I thought it interesting that they started with a group who held Mary Magdalene in such high regard, ( i want to say they worshiped her? but i don't know that they did), and then went on to prosecute, punish, and kill 'witches'
Yes, I suspect that's probably right. There was a time when I saw it as natural that the masculine should be in control and the feminine subservient. It was how I was brought up and it took me a long time to see through the fog - first by moving away from the Judaic mindset (in my case Christian) and then by moving away from the social tram lines.
But then it gets complicated, because what I see in a lot of women who get power is a need to prove that they're driven by masculine imperatives. I suppose that's inevitable in a world still dominated by such imperatives, and it seems it will take a massive shift in human consciousness to bring balance and harmony back.
And I hope nobody reading that post makes the mistake of confusing 'Judaic' with 'Jewish.' I hope I made it clear that 'Judaic' refers to those belief systems which use the Hebrew Bible as their root document, and that it was in no way anti-Semitic.
A Divine excuse for violence and hatred. Fools!
Isn't it ridiculous that in order to constructively criticise we feel we have to state that we are not anti- semitic. It seems to me, that the cry of anti-semitism these days is in order to silence those who wish to question what essentially controls our cultures, namely Judaic religion.
It's why I couldn't resist interrupting the vicar's sermon at the well-dressing with 'So what's wrong with pagan backgrounds. I like pagan backgrounds.'
Yes, I think the whole anti-semitic argument has now been well and truly hijacked and become a cynical tool in the power play system.
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