The crescent moon was striking its classic, angled pose in the
southern sky this evening. It looked still, as moons always do, but then I
noticed something I’ve never noticed before.
If it’s hanging low and close to some static reference point
like a tree, you can actually watch it move across the sky. The movement is
very slow, but just about discernible. And there’s something unaccountably
strange about watching a moon move.
This has happened to me a few rare times... and it is strange... especially when you remind yourself that it isn't the moon but you or rather, the earth moving! eeek. I don't think i'd do very well to go into space to the moon or anything. I think it would be too mind blowing for me. I've had insomnia induced freak outs before just over the fact that i actually exist and am able to think about my existance. Once i got all bent out of shape about how amazing melons and pumkins are. I'd better keep my feet on the ground, lol.
Amazing. You're OK.
Surely, both the earth and the moon are moving - aren't they?
Yep. :)
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