Friday, 6 July 2012

The Last Wave?

I’ve never seen the lane at the bottom of my garden quite like it was this morning. Or maybe I should say the ‘river’ at the bottom of my garden. It even had clumps of white foamy stuff floating down it. Heaven knows what that was.

Still, at least it’s quiet, since few people are taking vehicles out onto it. The only sound is some sawing and hammering in the distance. The locals building an ark, no doubt. I suppose I’d better go and lend a hand after lunch – wouldn’t want to be left behind, would I? Or maybe I would. Wouldn’t want to miss the aboriginal turning up mysteriously in the house, either.


Anthropomorphica said...

Remain for the peace and quiet... Aboriginal in the house? I've missed something!

JJ said...

Then you should have followed the link, Melanie dear. Peter Weir's 'The Last Wave.'

Anthropomorphica said...

Hadn't realised there was a link there. Off for a read.