Sunday, 8 July 2012

Soup and Good Intentions.

The home-made pea and potato soup was magnificent. Seems I must have got the balance of ingredients spot on. I rarely measure things, you see (except when I make a rare foray into baking which I consider woman’s work and a complete mystery.) I just toss in what looks about right. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. Today it was.

Must take a ramble around the Shire when I’ve washed the dishes – see whether I can find something interesting to say. I’m having trouble with that today. The village fete and the Lady Bella are hard acts to follow, it seems.


Wendy S. said...

Baking isn't always a woman's work. God knows, I get impatient having to measure this and that. Sounds like you just used an impromptu version of cooking and it worked out fine for you. I love soup on cold days. It's been so hot here, that I might make a gazpacho soup though.

JJ said...

The 'woman's work' thing was just my sense of humour, Wendy - 'I'm a poor, simple male and can't manage complicated things like baking.'

I've never had gazpacho soup. It sounds cold, and I don't think I'd like that. It's rarely hot enough in Britain to shy away from hot soup.