Tuesday, 10 July 2012

On a Wavelength with Rebecca.

I passed the Lady B’s sister in the lane earlier. She was on foot, while another young woman of unknown pedigree was sitting astride a horse walking alongside.

Rebecca has stopped giving me that ‘where do it come from, where do it go’ look these days. She smiles and looks friendly now. She even says ‘hi, Jeff.’ Can’t imagine why.

But then, after they’d gone past, I saw Mistress R look back, and thought I heard her say ‘That’s the weird bloke my sister talks to. Can’t imagine why.’


Anthropomorphica said...

Unknown pedigree gave me a chortle. Perhaps it was the wind whispering.

JJ said...

Good humoured sarcasm, Mel. I think I'm the only hobbit in the Shire. Most of the others are registered with the Kennel Club.

Wendy S. said...

Weird bloke? Are you sure she was thinking that instead of being perhaps interested in the bloke that was different than the norm? Two very separate things, Jeff!

JJ said...

Not sure at all, Wendy, just guessing. I would ask her if she were more approachable. She has spaniel eyes, you see, and I find it difficult to remain entirely lucid when faced with spaniel eyes.