Thursday, 26 July 2012

Mixed Fortune with Mixed Up Mercury.

Mercury is retrograde at the moment, so expect delays, difficulties and breakdowns with any technology that’s connected with travel and communication.

So, this morning I got the quote for the new computer deal. It was £60 more than I’d been hoping for, but I suppose I’ll have to pay it if I want peace of mind with my computer. And I do need peace of mind with my computer.

I drove to the station to catch the train to Derby. The first train was cancelled. The second train was delayed...and delayed...and delayed. Eventually it turned up nearly two hours after the first one had been due. Meanwhile, poor Mel was kicking her heels in Derby waiting for me.

Still, what that meant was that I caught a later train back, and there was a teenage girl sitting facing me a couple of seats further along. She showed me yet again (if I needed any more demonstration) that even the plainest face can be transformed into something quite beautiful if the eyes are active and characterful. Eyes take the perception to a deeper level, and the surface appearance simply disappears.

So Mercury in retrograde might not have taught me anything today, but at least he reinforced something I knew already.


Anthropomorphica said...

I agree, the eyes have it! Nothing scarier than empty eyes!!!

JJ said...

Except an empty wallet...

No, I'm kidding of course. One of my favourite stories has an apparently lifeless young woman lift her head and speak to the MC on a late night, deserted tube station. He later recalls: 'Living people don't have eyes like that.'