Saturday, 21 July 2012

Lamenting the Loss of the Lady.

I haven’t seen you-know-who in ages. Hasn’t anybody noticed that a leading player on the JJ blog stage has been notably absent recently? I think she’s finally, and very sensibly, come to the conclusion that strange male persons are nothing if not expendable.

‘Tis no more the BlackBerry smart phone comes a-knocking at my door
Now the distant Lady Bella doesn’t land here any more

Should I scramble to the ceiling or lie prostrate on the floor?
Since the lovely Lady Bella doesn’t like me any more

Though the world turn topsy turvy and the gods in heaven roar
Should one care when Lady Bella doesn’t want one any more?


andrea kiss said...

I'm sure she'll turn up again :) Maybe her BlackBerry is out of juice...

JJ said...

Now you're being witty. Whoever heard of a girl from Tennessee being witty?

andrea kiss said...

We are few and far between. And currently hiding in doors so as not to hear all the local TN festivities like the current concert of Travis Tritt, (country music singer) belting his drawl for all of Kingsport to hear. Its Fun Fest here and i can hear it if i go outside.

JJ said...

Then come to deepest Derbyshire, dear. I heard a goldfinch sing today - for the first time. It's a most unusual song. That's our version of 'country.'