Wednesday, 18 July 2012

JJ Hits the Town.

I pushed the boat out today. First I bought a new raincoat to replace the one with the broken zip. This one is supposed to be waterproof, not merely shower proof as the last one was. It rustles more when I walk, but there’s nobody to hear it except me, so that doesn’t matter.

The big news, though...

Knowing I was going be late back this afternoon, I treated myself to lunch in the town. A portion of chips. £1.30. In order to avoid choking on the horror of such extravagance, I had to keep reminding myself that a cup of decent coffee would have cost more. And so would a vanilla ice cream, were there vanilla ice cream to be had in Ashbourne.

Did I mention that Ashbourne is deficient in the vanilla ice cream department?


Anthropomorphica said...

Chips!! You tease, I LOVE chips!!!! Much more than ice cream.

JJ said...

Pity they come in a polystyrene tray now. I miss the greasy little paper bags with the chips overflowing onto a page of the local paper. At least I wasn't given a daft little wooden fork, though, or worse still a PLASTIC one. Sitting on a bench eating chips with the fingers is one little pleasure still left to us. I expect it will become illegal one of these days, for hygiene reasons.

And I think I just got my April 1st post.