I would like to get an
From a lady in Peru
Saying ‘come and see
my etchings,
For I etched them just
for you.’
‘Please excuse me,’ I’d
make answer
All a-drooling at the
‘But I’m off down to
the chippy
For to get some cod
and chips.’
‘But my etchings are
much nicer
Than your stupid
chippy things.
You poor English are
so blinded
To the joy an etching
‘Oh I know, my bold
And your offer is
quite fetching,
But our stomachs pluck
our heart strings
And you cannot eat an
I think I should point out for the sake for those not well versed in traditional British culture that cod and chips holds an important position in our national psyche. It represents all that is simple, wholesome, charming and comforting. In the old industrial areas, nobody was ever more than a hundred yards from a chippy, and the cold, clammy fog of a winter's night held little ground against the enduring and endearing scent of cod and chips filling the air and dissipating the chill.
Good evening and welcome back MJ, I'll take the chippy and champers ;)
Champers? Bottle of Tizer, maybe.
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