Saturday, 21 July 2012

Dreadlock Holiday.

For some reason, this reminds me of the only time I ever went to New York (aged seventeen and seven months.) I suppose it recalls that walk back to the docks across the lower west side at midnight. People told me later that I'd been fortunate to get away with it. Luck of the (probable) Irish ancestry, maybe.


andrea kiss said...

I don't like cricket, i love it. Funny.

I'd never heard of 10cc before you posted this. The funny thing is i've been reading a book by Tori Amos, (i think i mentioned that in another comment) and today i read where she covered one of their songs... i think its called I don't love you. Not sure.

You once made a post in which you mentioned someone explaining, i think, some type of machinery to you... something to do with hay? and then the next day someone made mention of the same thing in conversation and you said you wouldn't have understood if you hadn't had the previous explanation given to you... Anyway... i've noticed for most of my life the odd way somethings seem to 'trend' like there is some current in the atmosphere that people are subconsciously tapping into... even in small ways. For example when i was 16 i worked at a grocery store and i noticed that people almost always never wanted their gallon milk jugs put into a bag but then there would be one day in which one person requested a bag and the for the rest of that day several people would. Or, once i worked in a small restaurant and there would be items on the menu that no one ever ordered but one day one person would and then through out the day several other people would. So odd. I'd like to know why that is.

I'm saying this to say that lately i've felt like something is prodding me because i started thinking again about archetypes, watched some documentaries, and then started seeing references to them here and there online, like here on your blog. And then i decided to read this book by Tori Amos again and she talks a lot of archetypes. I usually turn to this book when i'm feeling uninspired and it helps. Then i start seeing a lot of references to her online without looking, like someone posting song lyrics on Facebook. You have to understand, she isn't really a main stream, radio rock star. She has more of a cult following and a lot of people my age, older, and younger don't even know who she is...

Then comes a lot of goddess stuff... well, i'm paying attention.

JJ said...

10cc had a big hit with a song called 'I'm Not in Love,' which was meant to be ironic, of course.

But yes, I've often noticed and commented on the same thing. I've always been interested in synchronicity, and eventually decided that it wasn't so much the universe giving messages, but that life is arranged in patterns. Sometimes lines cross and sometimes they come together, and so on.

Did you ever read my post about Inge and the car registration plate?

andrea kiss said...

Nope, but i'll look for it.

Yes, what you say about the patterns makes sense. Its kind of like the theories in physics and even the shamanistic beliefs about time going in cycles rather than being linear. But, if it involves Goddesses/The Goddess i'm going to pay attention. Lately it does seem as though i'm being poked.

JJ said...

I don't think we should ever meet. We'd talk so much there'd be a danger of us dying of starvation.

Are you familiar with JB Priestly's 'time' plays?