Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Another Plea to Americans.

My internet just dropped out again – more ‘BT routine maintenance between midnight and 6am,’ according to the ISP announcement when I rang them.

I’ve talked to the ISP technicians about this before. Why midnight to 6am, I wanted to know. They tell me it’s because that’s when the internet is least busy, so it inconveniences the fewest people. Well it isn’t when I’m the least busy; it’s when I’m most active. Don’t the idiots at BT realise that midnight UK time is between 4-7pm in America?

So I want all you American chums to complain to your government. Tell them to come down like a ton of bricks on British Telecom. Tell them that if they don’t take JJ’s interests into consideration, you won’t be sending any more nylons, Hershey bars or chewing gum. Do it now.

As it happens, my internet came back prematurely, but that isn’t the point.


Rhissanna said...

They take it off us at 8.00 pm. Which, ironically, is about 2 in the morning in Blighty.

JJ said...

Let's have a revolution - take over the phone companies - take over the world.

Nice to see you, Beverly (is that right?) I liked 'preferring time to money.'

Rhissanna said...

Yes, Beverley it is, and thank you.

JJ said...

Sorry about the misspelling. There was a Beverly Drive near where I lived as a kid.

I used to ask my nephew why he was spending so much of his young life working long hours in a stressful job that he didn't really like, just to earn lots of money so he could spend a few hours a day sleeping in a big house in an expensive area.

He said he'd realised that and was thinking of buying cheap property in Spain so he could sit be a swimming pool all day. I suppose that would be an improvement of sorts...