This evening I went into a wood I’ve never trodden before.
It doesn’t border any lanes or public footpaths; to get to it requires going
through the small wood at the top of the lane, and then across a field on the
other side. I’ve been eyeing it up for a while, so this evening I indulged my
It seemed that nobody else had trodden it for a while
either, because the undergrowth on the other side of the rusty old gate was
well advanced and I got liberally stung by nettles when I pushed through it. I
didn’t get far before I felt uneasy.
Woods can be creepy places, especially at twilight, and I
suspect we humans retain a fear of the terrors that woods used to hold – both
physical and metaphysical. That wasn’t what was bothering me, though. What I
suddenly felt afraid of was man traps.
Man traps? In the 21st century? I know; hardly
likely, is it? That was what I kept telling myself, but it made no difference.
I remember seeing a man trap in a museum when I was a kid, and it terrified me.
I remember how it seemed to re-open an old memory. It made me shudder.
So what is this unlikely fear I have of man traps? Is it
simply an imaginative child’s ability to conjure up the horror of being caught
in one? Is it a genetic memory hidden deep in the psyche of a person born into
peasant stock? Or could it be something deeper still – something from a past
life, maybe?
I paid my respects to the denizens of the deep woods and
left. It was time to go home anyway.
I've never been fearful of the woods... only the spiders in them. Except for one time when i got lost and thought i'd come across a meth lab but it turned out just to be the edge of a trailer park.
Now, now, Andrea, don't go getting all sniffy about trailer parks. It takes all sorts...
I'm not, i'm just saying that was what happened. I thought i'd come across an old trailer in the midst of the woods where no trailer should be so i was afraid i'd get shot so i wouldn't snitch. When something like that is found in the woods around here chances are they're cooking up meth. Sad but true.
Now don't go telling me not to be getting sniffy about the meth...
What's meth, Andrea. Sounds dangerous. (I've lived a very sheltered life, you know.)
Please don't go near any woodland trailers!
Some people call it Crystal Meth or crank and i think people smoke it. Its a synthetic drug people cook up to be a cheaper version of cocaine. Cooking it is very dangerous and could result in explosions and when a lab is busted the people who clean it up have to wear HAZMAT suits, etc. and the place has to be condemned for a while because of the toxins in the air, or something like that. I know that some cold medicines are used in making it. Its highly addictive, some people go nuts while on it, and it causes users to salivate so much that enzymes rot out their teeth. It also makes people feel as though there are bugs or something under their skin so they dig at themselves. There are many pictures of meth addicts with no teeth and covered in scabs. Its very sad. There is actually a website called Faces of Meth that shows how badly some age in very small spans of time. Its a very tragic thing, i think. And a bit of a problem where i live. That and people who are addicted to opiate based pain meds.
What a mine of information you are!
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