Saturday, 7 July 2012

A Thought on Sentiment and Compassion.

Mel and I sometimes used to discuss the difference between compassion and sentimentality. I wonder whether this is the nub of it:

A compassionate person gets their pets from a rescue centre because they know that those are the animals most in need, and they’re calmly philosophical about the ones they leave behind.

A sentimental person daren’t get their pets from a rescue centre because they know that the sight of all those hopefuls being left behind would tear their heart to shreds.

Just a thought.


Wendy S. said...

Really excellent definition of the two thoughts...But, I think compassion does feel the animals plight and may even be more empathetic than a sentimental person. Compassion takes in all emotions through a sensitive filter, at least imo.

JJ said...

I'm told that Buddhism teaches that true compassion is the ability to connect and empathise with suffering, while remaining emotionally unstressed by it.

Wendy S. said...

Buddhism is a great way of viewing compassion, I just have a hard time with detaching. Guess I'm far from enlightenment.

Anthropomorphica said...

It's a torment if you're both!

JJ said...

I know. I blame it on having my moon in bloody Pisces!