Friday, 29 June 2012

Still Haunted by Thatcher's Ghost.

Following three major scandals in the British banking industry, the Governor of the Bank of England has said that banks have been giving their customers ‘shoddy treatment,’ and that there must be a new culture in the industry. Well now, it’s at least twenty years since I first said ‘I hate bloody banks!’ because of the shoddy treatment they were giving their customers, so why has it taken this long for the Bank of England to notice? It did, after all, begin with Thatcher’s grand plans for The Great Impoverished Society back in the 1980s.

And while I’m having a moan, I also just read that funding of arts programmes by the five British terrestrial TV channels has fallen by 39% in five years.

Mrs Thatcher has gone, hasn’t she?


Anthropomorphica said...

She lurks in dark corners, bloody poison spitter...
Banks, either slow learners or they take us to be morons!

JJ said...

Yes to both.