Friday, 8 June 2012

In Lieu of Optimism.

Where should I look
While searching for
The Giant Onion Tree?

I think it’s big
And smelly and
A somewhat rarity.

I’ve asked my friends
But they just say
“This really is too bad.

You’ve gone and lost
The plot, old boy
You’ve gone completely mad.”

Well if I have,
That’s fine by me
There’s nothing more to seek

I’m far too old
To be so bold
As contemplate next week

Or ladies fair
Or prospects rare
Adventures pass me by

I might as well
Be mad as hell
And sulk until I die


Anthropomorphica said...

Don't sulk JJ just be mad and smelly, I'll still talk to you!

JJ said...

But I always sulk when I don't get my own way. Always have.