Thursday, 7 June 2012

Hiding Away.

I wrote a short post recently about how the fatigue problem seems to be accelerating certain physical signs of ageing, and how I’m now tempted to hide away. Thought I was joking? Not quite. Here’s how it works.

For the purpose of this issue, people fall into one of three categories:

1) Those whose opinions of me are well established and secure, and who won’t give a toss what I look like. I don’t need to hide away from them.

2) The great generality of people whose opinion of me – if they have one at all – is of no consequence. I don’t need to hide away from them, either.

3) A tiny, select few whose opinion of me is either tentative or unknown, but whose approbation I would be happy to have. They’re the ones I have to hide away from.

Get it now?

I said I needed to lighten up, didn’t I?


Anthropomorphica said...

Lets all wear Masks Of Misrule!! Sounds like a grand idea!!! blogpants is stinky, aah I had 666... what are they trying to tell me, I'm delighted!

666 emenst... really!

JJ said...

Certainly not! I'm a gentleman first and foremost.

So the imps of cyberspace have got your number at last. Well, there you go.