Saturday, 30 June 2012

Flying By.

It’s June 30th today – exactly half way through the calendar year (and Mel’s birthday, by the way, so many happy returns Mel.) And yesterday somebody said to me what people always say at this time of year:

‘I can’t believe we’re half way through the year already. It hardly seems five minutes since Christmas.’

Time does fly for us grown ups. I realised this week that it’s just ten years since I moved to the county of Derbyshire, and that’s flown by, too. So I thought:

‘If the next ten years fly by as quickly, and it will probably seem even quicker because it does as you get older, I’ll be... what age by then?’

Sobering thought. And there’s no time to waste then, is there? Such a little thing, a human lifetime. The trees know.


Anthropomorphica said...

Give Mel bright birthday greetings from me, belated.
Human life does seem too short and a dog's even more so.

JJ said...

It's why I won't have a dog. I can handle the inevitable when it happens, but I'm not mature enough to want to go through it again.