Monday, 25 June 2012

An English Country Garden and Jet Lag.

Today we had a taste of what used to be called ‘summer’ in the good old days, and I saw the first of this year’s Red Admiral butterflies (my favourite.) I also took my evening meal out in the garden – a simple repast of green salad, two hot cheese and onion rolls, and some wholemeal bread. It was accompanied by the relentless calling of a chiff-chaff from a nearby tree, and a large number of bees going in and out of the foxgloves, of which I have a large number in my garden.

You know, I really don’t understand why people go to fancy restaurants, or spend their holidays sitting by a hotel pool in some Mediterranean resort. Each to their own, of course, and I realise that most people don’t have Avalon on their doorstep as I do.

Only once in my life did I ever sit by a hotel pool. That was in the French Quarter in New Orleans, and I was so jet-lagged that I would happily have collapsed into a garbage can if there’d been one nearby. I didn’t finish my scotch, I recall. That’s how jet-lagged I was.


Wendy S. said...

You're right that most people don't have a bit of paradise to enjoy both for a meal enjoyment and also just for breathing. I'm in an apartment now, but I still have beauty around me. Maybe people do have that bit of Avalon but they're just too jaded to appreciate it.

JJ said...

I'm sure you're right. It's just that this place never lets me forget how special it is - but maybe only to me and people like me. I'm sure there are a great number of people who wouldn't to live out of the way, surrounded by trees, wild birds and other things operating by nature's imperative.

Where is your apartment?

Wendy S. said...

In a very beautiful small town called, "Ojai." Ojai has a small town feeling and is surrounded by beautiful mountains and lots of orange orchards.

JJ said...

Sounds good. Can you smell the orange orchards?

I looked it up. You appear to be about sixty miles from LA, which is maybe just enough for comfort! I somehow doubt I would like LA very much.