Friday, 29 June 2012

Current Needs.

I shouldn’t read the news; it irritates the life out of me.

I need a dog to stroke, or a beautiful woman to say something I’d like to hear, or at least some freggin’ vanilla ice cream!

Priorities, that’s what it’s all about.


Wendy S. said...

Good priorities, Jeff!

JJ said...

But, of course!

Anthropomorphica said...

How about a nice cup of tea?

JJ said...

Nope. Got that in. It's the other three I'm short of.

I thought about you coming up the lane tonight. It occured to me that elder flowers are very similar to hemlock, and it further occured to me that should I become even more senile than I am already, I might be tempted to try elder flower fritters and get it wrong.

Anthropomorphica said...

Beat you to it!!! My first attempt at elderflower cordial had me harvesting 30 heads of hemlock, my very clever friend realised they weren't quite right. Me thinks my darker mind was up to tricks. A least I know where to harvest hemlock, there's also deadly nightshade in the garden here, not to mention foxglove in the lane ;)

JJ said...

And there was me thinking you might simply laugh at my foolish mistake!

My garden is full of wild foxgloves. I collect lots of the seedlings that proliferate over the summer and transplant them to flowering positions in the autumn. Do you happen to know whether any vegetables dislike their company? I'm wondering whether their close proximity might be what's discouraging the peas and beans this year.

Anthropomorphica said...

I'm still giggling to myself about it, that alone should be a worry ;)
I think beans are fine grown next to anything other than onions.

JJ said...

Ah, that's interesting. I put a few onions in some space at one end of the pea and bean plot. Neither are doing well. Noted.