Friday, 29 June 2012

A Demanding Woman.

One of my neighbour’s cats (Annie, the fat one) appears to have taken a shine to me. If I’m sitting out in the garden, she comes over and demands attention. If I don’t stroke her enough, she sits back, lifts her front legs and pulls them towards her chest, apparently demanding more. I’ve never known a cat do that. And me not a cat person.


andrea kiss said...

Cat's are the best of people.

JJ said...

But you said rabbits were. I'm a confirmed dog man, myself.

Wendy S. said...

What aren't you a cat person, Jeff? It's rare for a cat to approve of one who doesn't like or appreciate them.

JJ said...

I just don't relate that well to cat mind. I'm more at ease with dog. But I like animals generally, so I get on with them well enough.

Anthropomorphica said...

Cat's love to go to those who are wary of them. A friend of mine was terrified of felines and they always made a beeline for her.

JJ said...

Well, there you are then!

andrea kiss said...

Rabbits *are* the best of people.

andrea kiss said...

I have no idea why i typed 'cat's' with an apostrophe when i typed that they are the best people. haha.

Cats do tend to go to those who are trying to avoid them because those people usually won't look at a cat and people who like them do look at this, which is considered rude in the cat world. Not looking directly at a cat is a common cat courtesy. And this is true, silly wording aside.

andrea kiss said...

*look at them** My brain is dying, i think.

JJ said...

I've found women to be the same, Andrea. It's always the ones I can't bear to look at who make the overtures.