Saturday, 1 October 2011

Small Talk.

We broke a weather record today. It was the warmest October 1st ever recorded in Britain, and in the process of reading about it I learned something. I never realised that the term ‘Indian Summer’ originated in North America. I always thought it was a term of colonial origin and referred to the Indian Subcontinent.


Sarah slowed her bike and exchanged a few words with me this evening. She offered a bit of small talk, which sounded forced. Frankly, I wish she hadn’t bothered, especially after this morning’s dismissive missive from the Big P. ‘Dismissive missive’ was deliberate, by the way, in case you’re wondering. Sounds a bit Gilbert and Sullivan, doesn’t it?


Remember my recent travels through the blogosphere in search of a special talent? I think I might have found one. Time will tell.


New York continues to press itself into my consciousness for some reason. I dislike cities, but I should imagine NY has plenty of special talent tucked in between all the stuff I would heartily dislike. Maybe I’ll go there some time and conduct a search. I would probably need a guide, though. I was seventeen the last time I went.

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