Saturday, 8 October 2011


The stars that once adorned my firmament have all but gone, drifted away to the further reaches of the cosmos to become quiet, invisible and unconnected.

First impressions? If I wrote that in a work of fiction it would probably be called ‘lyrical.’ If I write it in a journal it will be deemed melodramatic.


I was walking along the mud-spattered Mill Lane in a heavy drizzle today, wondering why I’ve always been drawn to the construction of the hangman’s noose. I decided it was a matter of aesthetics and practicality. The hangman’s noose is simple and symmetrical in form, yet its construction is a masterpiece of functional mechanics.


The cows in the fields were unusually noisy today, and paying me more attention than they normally do. The lane seemed all the emptier for it.


I’ve discovered a young woman in New York who writes excellently. It’s most unusual for me to be bowled over by somebody else’s fiction. Her The Caternacle Part 1 had me open-mouthed and itching for more. It can be found here if anybody’s interested.

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