Friday, 28 October 2011

The Best of All Possible Worlds.

I’ve almost completely stopped watching the news, current affairs programmes and virtually everything the TV has to offer. Irresponsible, isn’t it? I have a duty to keep abreast of matters, don’t I? I should know what’s going on so I can play my part as an involved citizen, shouldn’t I?

But of what, exactly, am I a citizen? I see a drab world presided over by drab politicians, drab entrepreneurs and drab financiers. I see a timid, toothless media that seeks to do little but recycle what the drab people create. I see an entertainment industry splashing a thin layer of gaudy, glitzy colour on it all, making heroes of celebrities, stick-women-with-attitude and prima donna fucking sports stars.

It’s a world sans magic, sans mystery, and almost sans imagination. And so I’ve stopped looking at it.

Dr Pangloss is vindicated, it seems.

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