Sunday, 9 October 2011

Questionnable Hair Day.

I was watching an interview today with Chris Huhne, one of the members of the coalition government. Only watching, note; listening would have been too much like self-flagellation. What kept my eyes glued to the set was the Rt Honourable Member’s hair.

Now, it’s long been known that American people-in-the-public-eye, like politicians, TV journalists and so on, have their heads shaved and the missing hair replaced with stiff plastic wigs. I mean, nobody could have real hair like that, could they? Now it seems the Brits are following suit. Should I admire them, perhaps, for the sacrifice they’re prepared to make in the name of gaining power and celebrity?

I assume the reason they do it is because they’re possessed of the notion that looking excruciatingly tidy and overly manicured encourages confidence in their abilities on the part of the Great American and British publics. What worries me is that they’re probably right. And that is yet another reason to stay outside the tram lines.

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