Saturday, 6 August 2011

Three Pet Hates.

Voicemail messages that say ‘Did you know that you can get answers to most questions at our website. Go to www dot...’  When I finally attain my position in the god realm I intend to set up a program. Anyone who utters the words 'go to wwwdot' will be immediately and automatically turned into a cheese and tomato sandwich and be consumed by a flock of hungry gulls. I like gulls.

People who talk in unnaturally loud voices. I heard one tonight. He was part of a group of people visiting a house 300 yards away across the field.

Internet dating sites showing pictures of pouting, big busted females flaunting their dubious charms in low-cut tops. I hate that image with a passion.


L. said...

I hate people with obnoxiously loud voices. I honestly have no patience for them.

As for the other two, I totally see where you are coming from.

JJ said...

Nice to see you, Doc. Thanks for dropping in. Congrats on the three R's - Red-Room-Results.

Carmen said...

This is funny to me, as a Chinese person, because a lot of the Chinese people that I know talk loudly, in general. And in your NEXT post you talk about how Orient women 'just have something'. hahaha. Sorry, I just see a funny link there:)

JJ said...

Maybe I've only encountered the rarer specimens of Chinese womanhood, Carms.

andrea kiss said...

I also hate to hear someone talking loudly, especially when they are on the phone. I just want to remind them that what they are talking into is right by their mouth and the other person's ear... no need to yell. I had two very loud people come to visit Liam and i a few days after we got home from the hospital. At one point i just got up and took the baby back into the bedroom to get away from them. I know i probably came across as being rude, but what i could have said to them was worse, i'm sure.

JJ said...

I wonder why they do it, Andrea. Somebody once told me that it's simply a matter of having a high energy level, which is why young men are prone to it. But I've noticed that middle aged women can be prone to it as well, so I don't know.

andrea kiss said...

I've known mostly loud women. My brother and his wife are loud talkers and they are both also very high strung people. Its funny though because sometimes when my sister-in-law is talking loudly my brother will tell her to lower her voice and he's just as loud. And her mother is very loud. She came to visit me in the hospital the day i had Liam and i wasn't feeling very well... it was her, my brother, and his wife all in my room and talking loudly. I was very medicated and not too pleasant. When my mom asked them to lower their voiced they began to whisper very loudly. Now i think its funny but at the time i wasn't very pleased.

JJ said...

You must admit, the loud whispering is funny. It goes to show that people don't understand why it's irritating. It isn't so much the volume itself, it's the fact that it's UNNECESSARY.

There. I shouted.