Monday, 22 August 2011

The Grail Option.

Which is it better to be:

A Lancelot, who searched for the Grail but didn’t find it?

A Perceval, who saw the Grail but didn’t recognise it?

A Galahad, who found the Grail, recognised its significance, then died almost immediately from a surfeit of ecstasy?

You’ve got to go for Galahad, haven’t you? Since we all have to die some day, what better way to do it than in a state of ecstasy?

Of course, you could always be a denizen of the modern world and never search for anything. That way you might get to die quietly, with memories.


Zz... said...

Great minds think alike :)

JJ said...

Wouldn't know. My mind feels like a pan of cold porridge at the moment. It's still bubbling, though. Weird, that.