Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Monochrome Look of Middle Age.

I think I know what it is about middle aged people that I don’t want to be. I’ve noticed that they mostly exhibit a relatively narrow range of facial expressions, and since facial expressions project the variety and depth of emotional engagement, the lack of them suggests a settlement into emotional mediocrity.


andrea kiss said...

I've not noticed this. Actually, i disagree. Maybe its true of middle aged British people?

JJ said...

So middle aged Brits are more boring than middle aged Americans. You might be right, Andrea.

andrea kiss said...

Yeah, middle aged Americans do amusing things like have mid life crisis and buy sports cars, get face lifts, boob jobs and toupees and have affairs all while dressing and acting like teenagers. Fun to watch.

JJ said...

That would disturb me as much as emotional mediocrity, I think. Possibly more so. I'm just a kid in man's clothing, still searching for the Holy Grail.

andrea kiss said...

I'm making Americans sound awful, but really for the most part we're not. Most all of the middle aged people i know are good people whom i like very much. I often get along with them much better and make friends with them easier than with people my own age.