Friday, 5 August 2011

Another Contrast.

I stopped in a gateway on Church Lane yesterday evening. From there I got a head-on view of the cottage where Sarah lives, a couple of fields away towards the river. It was nestled prettily between mature trees on either side, and the rising farmland beyond the river formed a natural backdrop. What was left of the darkening western sky had wisps of grey cloud painted across it, and between two of them – immediately above the cottage – hung a silver crescent moon. It seemed fitting somehow.

This post is intended to be an antidote to the empty, anxious feeling that won’t go away. It has nothing to do with Sarah. It has more to do with:

I’d trade that whole Manhattan skyline,
The shimmering steel and chrome...


Zz... said...

you need a holiday- have you got your flight booked yet? ;)

change of scenery will refresh you...

JJ said...

I'm sure you're right, Zhen, but I need to find the key to unlock the chain first. And a 'change of scene' can take many forms.