Saturday, 27 August 2011

Animals, Real and Imagined.

Remember the recent mystery of the horses that kept shying and running away when I was in the vicinity? They seem to have changed their minds; they all want to know me now. Two horses and a Shetland pony came hurrying over to the fence to have their noses scratched and their necks patted today. All crowding together for attention, they were. Maybe my dark companion wasn’t with me, or maybe horses are fickle.

So then I looked up and saw the most incredible bank of cloud drifting in my direction. It looked like a huge flying bear, legs outstretched and seen from beneath. The belly and hind legs were a deep slate grey, the chest and fore legs a mixture of light grey and white, while the head was off-white fringed with silver where the sun was catching the serrated edge. He was very handsome, but he didn’t come down to have his nose scratched.


Nuutj said...

This post made me imagine the tales of Native Americans. IMO, you are like some kind of 'dreamer' with power related to animals and nature.

JJ said...

That's how it seems to me too, Mei-shan. Others might call it incipient psychosis. I'll stick with your version. Thank you.

Maria Sondule said...

Aw, that's so cute!

JJ said...

What is? Scratching horses' noses or being psychotic? I bet you'll have me labelled in less than three years.

By the way, are you in Cleveland now? If so, that's THREE people I have to see there. I even checked the price of flights to Cleveland. They're expensive. I have an odd notion that your voice matches your viola, and I want to find out.