Friday 14 September 2012

Laughter Lines.

I’ve noticed that I’ve developed crease lines to the sides of my cheek bones when I laugh. I’ve seen the same characteristic in some Irish people, so maybe it’s further corroboration of the evidence suggesting my male ancestry came from Ireland about four generations ago.

I can’t say I like it much, so I think I’d better stop laughing. Not that it will be much of an imposition; I laugh only about once every five years on average anyway, and I always feel silly afterwards.

I smile plenty, and I chuckle quite a lot, but my laughter button is tuned to a very narrow range of frequencies. It usually takes a small but finely pitched piece of sublime silliness to do the trick, the sort that occasionally hopped out of the mind of the esteemed Spike Milligan – himself an Irishman, of course.

I wish I could laugh more easily, but I’m just not made that way. I take comfort in this infirmity from the attitude of the Mediaeval Church: if God had meant me to laugh, he would have made me a monkey.


andrea kiss said...

It takes a lot to make me laugh, too. But i often laugh at things most other people don't find very funny.

JJ said...

I'm the same. Helen (as she was then) used to give me strange 'why is that funny?' looks when I fell off my chair (once every five years.)