Sunday 3 April 2011

The 3am Feeling.

You know that feeling you get when there’s something real or imagined about tomorrow that you’re dreading, so you don’t want to go to sleep because it makes the fateful hour seem so much closer? I have that feeling every night at the moment. It isn't very nice.


Anthropomorphica said...

What's stirs Jeff? Do you sense change afoot?

JJ said...

It's mainly to do with the house, Mel, but there are so many angles and complications that it would take a major essay to explain it all.

Jeanne said...

You need to send out some positive vibes that it all has a happy ending. Or at least a satisfactory one for you.

JJ said...

I'm trying, Jeanne, honest.

Anthropomorphica said...

I read Angels and wondered what indeed is going on, then realised it was angles! Ask the Wee Folk for a hand.

JJ said...

I'm doing that too, Mel. Seriously.