Friday 22 April 2011

More Bits.

In case anybody’s interested, the reason I’ve hardly posted for the past three days is the fact that I’ve been unusually busy with practical matters and haven’t felt in blogging mode.

Even so, I’ve been meaning to post something for Easter. Problem is, I can’t decide what approach to take or how detailed to make it. Maybe tomorrow.

I watched Donnie Darko again tonight. For some unaccountable reason, his girlfriend kept reminding me of somebody and I don’t know who. I think it’s somebody I’ve encountered through this blog, but how can that be since I’ve never met anybody I’ve encountered through this blog? It’s something about her manner and her way of speaking. Oh, well. My favourite character in that film, by the way, is Donnie’s dad. He’s my kind of bloke.

I get the impression I’ve fallen out of favour with one or two people.

Slovenia and Roscoe, Illinois continue to be tantalising mysteries.

The field on the other side of the lane from my house got its new intake of summer heifers yesterday. I love seeing them on their first day. They look so happy after being cooped up among the concrete and steel of market pens. They run about madly, kick their legs in the air and have little play fights with each other.

I was sitting at my garden table this evening, drinking in the atmosphere as usual, when it occurred to me yet again that it would be a fine place to die. And then I wondered how long it would be before anybody found the body. I don’t get much mail and there’s nobody living next door yet, so it could easily be a week or even longer. I decided that my friendly robin would probably notice, since he’s the one who most often keeps me company while I’m gardening. And do you know what? Just as I thought that, he appeared on the table and stood there looking at me. Strange.


Jfromtheblock said...

Don't die, please Jeff. Not for a while yet. But that does sound very peaceful, rather Keats like. Until he realises death renders him numb to the nightingale's song.

andrea kiss said...

Donnie Darko is one of my favorite movies. It also has an excellent soundtrack.

Your robin pal reminds me of the robin in The Secret Garden.

JJ said...

Shucks, J! Do my best. Nightingale, maybe, but at least I'll be on my way to hearing the wren sing. Can't wait.

Mine too, Andrea, although I still have trouble with much of the mumbled dialogue, so I still don't know why he had to go back and die. Agree about the soundtrack, and my robin pal is bloody ace. It's just that on that occasion he had me wondering whether I'd died and not noticed!