Monday 11 April 2011

The Lure of the Name.

Do you know what’s odd? According to Google stats, the third and fourth most-read stories at the other blog are McCafferty Wants a Horse and The Seeing of Sheona McCormack.

McCafferty Wants a Horse wasn’t written as a serious short story. It was something I jotted down quickly on a whim one night in honour of Kaetlyn McCafferty, whom I’ve come to regard as friend. It hasn’t been published and is never likely to be. And The Seeing of Sheona McCormack isn’t even fiction. It’s a wholly true story that I wrote as though it were (I believe they call that ‘creative non-fiction.’ Gosh!) Yet there are seriously written stories up there that have had only a small fraction of the reads that these two have.

I was going to say that there’s no accounting for taste, but I come back again to the fact that it must all be in the title. Is it merely coincidence that both stories have Gaelic-derived surnames there? Maybe that’s what gives them the edge. I’m reminded that one of Sheila Chandra’s most appealing song titles is The Lament of McCrimmon.

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