Sunday 24 April 2011

Five More Days, then Maybe We Can Forget About Them.

I discovered today that a feature film exists called ‘William and Kate: The Movie.’ Since it was made in 2011, it’s evidently intended to be seen as a biopic of the William and Kate, although the opening credits include the words ‘Inspired by actual events.’ Only ‘inspired?’ Mmm... I gather it was made by one of the tackier, 9th rate, chocolate-box-romance specialists, and was shot entirely in America. It’s being shown on Brit terrestrial TV twice this week, and the review I read said ‘It’s worth tuning in to gawp at the sheer tackiness of it all.’ Sounds about on the right level, then.

I heard somebody suggest the other day that the royal wedding should take place in the early hours of the morning so that Americans can watch it live on TV. No disrespect to Americans, but that would suit me just fine. Preferably after 3am when I’m usually dead to the world, or at least drunk enough not to notice.


Maria Sondule said...

Well I certainly will not be watching it. The poor couple...

JJ said...

Poor couple? Poor Brits!

Maria Sondule said...

Yes, that too.

JJ said...

Aren't you besotted with the British royals, then? How un-American.